Entrepreneurship Development Cell

A Cell to empower and encourage new ideas is a must for an educational institution. DBJC believes every student is capable of establishing their new brand. E.D. Cell of the college focused on transforming a tiny idea of a student into a proper business plan. The main aim of the cell is to promote and develop a business idea for a student. From conducting stall-to-success programs to real business openings. The Cell has been
actively working on the welfare of every single business-oriented student. Additionally, the E.D.Cell of the college also takes the privilege of creating Leaders of various companies. An Entrepreneur is not one establishes his/her own business. A real Entrepreneur is one who provides business opportunities to others. Therefore DBJV.E.D feels happy to focus on creating high salary-giving owners rather than creating High- profil-earning owers.

“DBJC E.D. Cell will not create a boss, rather it builds the Leader”